What is Project DUMBO?

Project DUMBO is a course offered by Elmira College where seven students live in a loft in an artistic community of New York City know was DUMBO. There are seven of us living in New York City this year, experiencing the ins and outs of the art world. This blog is about our various adventures in the big city. And yes, we all share one bathroom.

Monday, April 26, 2010

There Was a Dude Hiding in an Egg

Today was definitely an interesting day despite the less than stellar weather. First we met with Marc's friend from California, Mark Shunney. He came up and explained his life story in the art world. It was pretty exciting and I, personally, find it interesting how no matter who we ask about how they got into the art world, no two stories are the same. After he finished we moved on to show him the art we brought along with us. He gave us his opinion on it, which is always appreciated. He seemed to like all of our work and was eager to give us ideas on how to improve or at least to mull over. He talked about dimension of our surfaces and about how zooming in or zooming out can say a different thing. He was very encouraging and offered to keep in touch with us through Marc, which is probably one of the most exciting things. I know that a lot of us, if not all would have like to have had more time to talk to him. It was a really good visit regardless of the time restraint though.

After Mark's visit we pulled on our rain gear and braved the storm to take the F train to go see the School of Visual Open Studio for Painting. That sure was a trip. We climbed the stairs to the fourth floor and started to peruse the different studio spaces. I have to admit it was almost busier than a gallery opening in Chelsea, fast paced and crowded. The experience was beneficial though. The seven of us got the chance to compare our studio space back on campus with these as well as the work. We also stopped in at the Digital Art and Sculpture Open Studios a few blocks away. The art presented to us assaulted our vision and mental facilities in an oddly stimulating way.

This was definitely a gate into a different world of student art than we would experience back at Elmira. We all are much more confident in our work and the competition we could have with the different art programs around us. And I personally have more appreciation and love for the art program back in Elmira. Our professors are definitely setting us up in a very dynamic and structured path while letting us express our individuality and creative monsters. Plus we have the benefit of having a personal studio even in our underclassmen years (freshman, sophomore and junior), whereas it seems to be the norm in some art schools for only the graduating seniors to have studios. And though Elmira is only a liberal art school, it's art program and the students like us in it definitely have the skills and work to compete with the best art schools around, and we're all confident in that fact now. I believe we're ready to make more spectacular and mind-blowing work and the rest of our trip is just going to fuel that energy until we explode with said work upon our arrival back. It's going to be intense and amazing.

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